Sunday, April 25, 2010

Catching Up

Hi Everyone!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful spring. Ryan and I have been busy with life--- bookings, traveling, teaching, and coaching track. We love our life; but I won't lie, I am looking forward to summer break. :)

Last week, Ryan and Joel went back to Iowa for a concert at Prairie High School. I shared about the great experience they had at the school in a previous post. They were both excited to go back, and to add to this excitement, 25 people accepted Jesus for the first time! When they get back from a concert, I love reading the responses that they get from kids. I will share a few:

"Thank you for enlightening me. My faith flows in and out and varies, but the music tonight and the lyrics reminded me of the purpose of a relationship with Christ. The faith journey is always going on and we need little reminders like this."

"Good song choice. It was good for me to reevaluate my life and how I too started feeling a bit empty like Joel was talking about a few weeks back."

"Well, I'm an exchange student from Germany and usually our assemblies are pretty boring. But seriously you guys rock! You're entertaining and your stories make total sense. You actually helped me thinking more about my life and relationship with Jesus/God. Thank you!"

Prairie High rock.

Nice picture taking, Joel.

Ryan, the rock star.

Helpers after the concert...

May is a busy travel time as the school year comes to a close. Looking at the calendar, it will take Joel and/or Ryan to Ohio, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Utah.

Please pray for safe travels and for all of the kids they come into contact with. God is moving!


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