Well the 2010-11 school year is underway, and we are back on the road. Summer is always a much-needed break from travel (though there's plenty of work still to do), but getting back into travel season come fall reminds us why we do what we do. Personally, I really had a rejuvinating summer, so I was rested up and ready to hit the ground running in late August.
In the last few weeks we've had the opportunity to minister at a few churches during their Sunday morning services (central OH & northern OH), had some assemblies (NW Ohio, SW Ohio, and Kentucky), and were also able to do our first concert of the year last week in SE Ohio. The next few weeks are pretty packed with events, lots of assemblies and concerts. They are all in Ohio as the second Penton baby is due next week. We intentionally scheduled things within a 2-hour radius of Columbus so Joel could get back if we get the call that the baby is coming. I kind of hope I get a call while Joel is speaking - it would make for a great story if I had to bust into a full-school assembly and pull Joel out to get back home! I'm only half kidding.
Things we could use prayer for:
1. A smooth and healthy delivery of Penton's baby
2. Still need to book up the 2010-11 calendar - pray for opportunities to arise as we work towards that goal
3. Pray that churches/ministries would be open to partnering with us for concerts so we can reach the kids with the Gospel
4. I am working on scheduling some time for November/December with a co-writer/producer to crank out some original music that we feel like will be a huge step forward in the music side of our ministry. We think it will enable us to more effectively reach kids - and especially help with the long-term ministry after we leave an area.
God bless,
Ryan & Emily
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